Your professional responsibility as a supervisor or assessor

The new NMC Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA) (2018) require that all nursing associate students are supervised and assessed in practice by a Practice Assessor, Academic Assessor and Practice Supervisor(s), who are appropriately prepared for the role.

From September 2019 the process by which students are supervised and assessed in placements aligns to these new NMC Standards. The NMC provides a range of supporting information to help nurses, nursing associates, supervisors, assessors and students understand the new roles and responsibilities. As an NMC registrant you should familiarise yourself with these standards even if you are not directly involved in supervision and assessment.

In order to undertake the roles of Practice Supervisor or Practice Assessor the NMC expects that you will have been appropriately prepared. In collaboration with practice placement providers and other universities in the region, ARU has developed an online workshop to prepare you for these roles.

Access the online supervisor and assessor workshops.

To prepare for the role of Practice Supervisor you will need to complete the sessions in Part One.

To prepare for the role of Practice Assessor you will need to complete the sessions in Parts One and Two.

Before undertaking the online workshops:

  • confirm with your employer which role you need to prepare for
  • confirm with your employer what evidence (eg certificate, workbook) they require that you have completed the appropriate preparation
  • identify if there are any additional requirements that your employer expects.


All nurses, nursing associates and midwives in the UK must follow the revalidation process in order to maintain their nursing or midwifery registration with the NMC. For more information visit the NMC revalidation website.

Useful information

How to revalidate with the NMC (PDF download)

Information for confirmers (PDF download)

Example completed records of achievement (PDF download)