Supervising and assessing nursing associate students: your role

It is important to ensure that nursing associate students:

  • are supernumerary on their external placements
  • are supported with protected time when on their base placements
  • are on the duty rota for health and safety reasons
  • are actively engaged in hands on delivery of care as appropriate
  • are allocated a named Practice Assessor
  • receive ongoing feedback from practice supervisors regarding performance and achievement.

At the same time, we do acknowledge that students have responsibilities. These are clearly stated in their practice assessment documents.

Your role in student assessment

The assessment process must contain the following stages:

  • induction
  • the initial meeting
  • formulation of learning contracts and action plans
  • feedback on professional values assessment
  • reflection on the service user views
  • service users' contribution to assessment
  • formative assessment
  • summative assessment.

Supporting the failing student

Occasionally, students do not meet the required standard and it is necessary to fail them. In this event, it is important that students know why they have not met the pass criteria and that they have been given an opportunity to improve at the formative stage. It is therefore essential to:

  • have robust and transparent processes in place
  • investigate why your student may be having difficulties
  • compile comprehensive documentation as evidence
  • use support networks
  • pick up problems early
  • use Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely, (SMART) objectives
  • set clear review dates
  • make clear action plans.