Information for private, voluntary and independent sector (PVI) practice partners

Welcome to the ARU portal for practice partners who support students in the PVI sector.

The diversity and range of the rich practice learning experiences that you offer our pre-registration students are very much appreciated and we look forward to developing this area of our Practice Hub as we continue to work with you.

Over the coming months we will be adding further content to these pages, so please keep checking back.

Practice Supervisor and Assessor preparation and updates

See our Practice Supervisor/Assessor courses and updates for NMC registrants.

We offer updates for PVI colleagues who are already Practice Supervisors or Assessors. There's no need to book – simply click the relevant link to join the Microsoft Teams meeting when your preferred session is taking place.

Student forums

There are opportunities for students who are attending placements in PVI areas to get together to discuss and share their experiences with a member of the University Link Lecturer team. Joining instructions for these sessions will be distributed to students internally.