Writtle College celebration events

Every year, we celebrate Writtle College students' success through our Celebration Events.

It's a chance for students and guests to celebrate their achievements and look forward to the next stage in their journey, whether that's progressing to higher education or starting on a career.

See below for more information about dates, venue, tickets, and what happens on the day.

Celebration Event dates

In 2024 our Celebration Events took place on Friday 14 June.

Dates for 2025 are to be confirmed.

Confirming attendance and registering for tickets

Entry to our Celebration Events is by ticket only, and all students need to register to confirm their attendance.

We'll send an email to eligible students inviting you to register online. All final-year further education students (full-time or part-time) are eligible to attend a Celebration Event.

When you receive this email, you'll be able to request guest tickets. Please note that due to the size of our venue, All Saints Church in Writtle, there is a limit of one guest per student.

Tickets to our Writtle College Celebration Events are free and include a Celebration drink at the main campus after your ceremony. There will be the opportunity to purchase additional drinks and food from a variety of vendors.

What happens on the day

See our On the day page for full details of your Celebration Event, including dress code, when to arrive, seating arrangements, photography and more.