Nursing Associate

This portal is designed for all supervisors and assessors of nursing associate students at Anglia Ruskin University.

It will provide you with resources and information to help you successfully support, supervise and assess students in the practice setting.

If there is any information that you think would be useful to add, please contact the course lead, Vanessa Waller: [email protected]

Reporting sickness and absence

It is the responsibility of learners to notify their placement if they are not able to attend. Learners must ensure that they formally notify the placement area, using the correct local procedures, if they're unable to attend placement for any reason.

Good practice is to call before the shift is due to start and learners should ensure that a that a record is kept of the name of the person spoken with and the date/time of the phone call. Learners must follow their placement provider's policies, and this may include calling in on each day they are not attending placement (unless they have a medical certificate which indicates they will be off sick for a period).

The learner then records their absence in the MyProgress ePAD.