Lapses in Professionalism (LiP)

ARU's adult nursing skills lab

Lapses in Professionalism is a process which is used to promote professional attitudes and behaviours for our pre-registration learners, using a tariff system and an aligned action plan to support and facilitate knowledge and skills in this important area of their professional development.

Lapses in Professionalism policy and process

Download the Lapses in Professionalism Policy (PDF) to find out how to report a lapse in professionalism.

Reporting Lapses in Professionalism (Clinical Practitioners)

If you wish to report a Lapse in Professionalism, you will need to seek the agreement of another registered professional and complete the Lapses in Professionalism Tariff form (Word doc). This will then need to be returned to the Education Champion or an identified person at ARU, who will be able to offer support with this if required.

The core ethos of Lapses in Professionalism is to support the development of professional attitudes and conduct. An action plan should therefore always be created with the learner when a Lapse in Professionalism is raised.

The action plan should clearly identify what the area of concern is, and what the learner needs to do to address the concern with an appropriate timeframe. This will give the student guidance and direction for areas of improvement.

Generic action plan templates are can be found within the learner's practice assessment document/ePAD.

Here are two examples of completed Lapses in Professionalism forms for learners in practice settings, together with completed action plans:

If you have any questions or queries please contact your Education Champion or University link lecturer.

Reporting Lapses in Professionalism (University staff)

If you wish to report a Lapse in Professionalism, you will need to seek the agreement of another colleague and complete Lapses in Professionalism Tariff form (Word doc). This will then need to be returned to the Course Leader, who will progress the process as per the policy.