Interviews, auditions and portfolios

If you're applying for certain courses at ARU, we may invite you to come in for an interview. Your interview day is a great opportunity to explore our campuses and facilities, and really get to know us.

On this page, you'll find some handy tips on how to get the most out of your day.

Before the day

If you’re invited for an interview, we’ll send you an email inviting you to login to our Applicant Portal. Here, you’ll be able to:

  • accept your interview invitation
  • get more information about your interview day
  • check if you need to upload any documents, such as copies of your passport or education certificates, before you come in for your interview
  • check if you need to bring anything with you on the day, for example photo ID.

We recommend getting any documents or ID together beforehand, so you’re ready to go on the morning of your interview.

We’d also suggest planning your journey to campus. You’ll find directions to Cambridge, ChelmsfordPeterborough and Writtle on our website, along with walking maps and details of public transport.

Unfortunately, we don’t offer car parking on campus; however, both Cambridge and Chelmsford have Park & Ride services which will drop you off at the door.

On the day

When we interview you, we’re looking to see if you’re the right candidate for the course – the person that you described in your personal statement. We’re also keen to see that you can cope well in different situations.

But your interview day is a two-way experience, so make sure you’re getting everything you want out of the day, too.

Interview dos and don'ts

  • Do prepare
  • Do arrive a few minutes early
  • Do smile – the interviewers want to see that you are enthusiastic about the day as well as the course
  • Do let our Admissions Team know if you have any specific requirements (eg, learning support needs)
  • Do look smart – the jogging bottoms and trainers look doesn’t come across too well. Having said that...
  • ...Don't wear uncomfortable clothing – you don’t want to be focused on what you’re wearing more than what you’re saying
  • Don't learn exact answers – it shows!
  • Do listen to other students – what are they saying about the University?
  • Do look around the University: does it suit you? would you fit in there? Remember that this will be your new home for the next three years, so it has to feel right

Most importantly...

Don't worry. The purpose of interviews is to find out more about you, your knowledge and values, and why you're interested in a particular career path. It's also a chance for you to ask us questions and find out more about ARU.

We look forward to meeting you!