
Welcome to our portal which is designed for all supervisors and assessors of midwifery students at Anglia Ruskin University.

It will provide you with resources and information to help you successfully support, supervise and assess students within the practice setting.

If there is any information that you think would be useful to add, please contact Louise Jenkins, Lead Midwife for Education at [email protected]

Reporting sickness and absence

It is the responsibility of learners to notify their placement if they are not able to attend. Learners must ensure that they formally notify the placement area, using the correct local procedures, if they're unable to attend placement for any reason.

Good practice is to call before the shift is due to start and learners should ensure that a that a record is kept of the name of the person spoken with and the date/time of the phone call. Learners must follow their placement provider's policies, and this may include calling in on each day they are not attending placement (unless they have a medical certificate which indicates they will be off sick for a period).

The learner then records their absence in the MyProgress ePAD.

Information to support supervision and assessment in practice

We have now introduced a new curriculum for 2021. Find out more about the new curriculum (PDF).

Midwifery Ongoing Record of Achievement (MORA)

This is a new nationwide document which involves a pass/fail assessment and stays with the student over the three year period. It allows the recording of:

  • EU directives (‘RedBook’)
  • NIPEs
  • Achievements
  • Skills
  • Feedback
  • Reflections
  • Assessments
  • Progression Plans

Find out more about the MORA with our NMC proficiencies for midwives video and guide to MORA (PDF).

Lapses in Professionalism (LiP) policy

Many complaints against health care professionals involve issues of conduct rather than competence. Inadequate professional behaviour during undergraduate training – even when such concerns are deemed to be 'low-level' – is an acknowledged predictor of fitness to practise deficiencies in subsequent years (Stern, Frohna and Gruppen, 2005).

Our intention is to ensure a holistic approach to the assessment of student professionalism, including a transparent monitoring and recording system that supports the identification of both low and higher-level concerns.

Please download the following documents for further information:

Below are example Practice Assessment Documents for each academic year which reflect the NMC Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA).

Practice Assessment documentation for students who started the programme prior to September 2021

EU Directives - Red Book (PDF download)