Due regard - nursing

Due regard is practised when the supervisor or assessor:

  • has the specialist skills required to support the placement learning outcomes
  • is from the same part of the register and field of practice as the student
  • supervises and monitors progress throughout this period
  • assesses component skills related to the programme outcomes.

There are some variations where this application may be modified, eg:

1. When specialist input is needed. This enables students to gain experience from a supervisor whose specialist field is not their own (for example, adult students in the mental health setting). The specialist clinical supervisor who is from a different part of the register or profession:

  • directly supervises the student in the activities that address the specified learning outcomes related to that specialist experience
  • assesses component skills directly related to the professional's own area of competence and scope of practice.

This placement must be overseen by a NMC registrant supervisor/assessor or practice teacher with due regard, who meets with the student and clinical supervisor at agreed times to monitor the student achievements.

2. Where supervisors/assessors or practice teachers are scarce. In this situation, direct supervision/and assessment is provided by NMC supervisors/practice teachers without due regard. This placement must be overseen by a NMC registrant with due regard who meets with the practice supervisor providing direct supervision at agreed times to monitor the student's achievement