Our students

The first of four goals in our Sustainability Strategy 2020-26 relates to our students. We will be known for equipping our graduates with the knowledge, skills and agency they need to address the challenges of sustainability including the climate and ecological emergency.

Read more about what just four of our students – KateSarah, Tatyana and Tianah – are doing to promote sustainability and encourage change.

What we're doing

Our Education for Sustainability programme is already well-established at ARU. It helps to make sustainability a part of all our courses, by providing staff with resources that link their disciplines to sustainability, and offering workshops and training courses.

By 2026 we will:

  • ensure that all our students can say positively how sustainability is an integral part of their overall education
  • provide opportunities for students to demonstrate how they have developed graduate capitals through engagement with sustainability
  • as part of our commitment to be a healthy University, actively support our students’ mental health and wellbeing through opportunities to engage with nature, reduce ecological anxiety and contribute to a sustainable future
  • provide open spaces for dialogue and debate on sustainable futures within the student journey
  • champion our students in their wider political actions which align with the strategy.

Progress to date

We're following a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to make sure we reach our goals. Our KPI report for the Education goal details progress up to August 2021.

Education KPI report

Sustainability Strategy 2020-26