People and governance

ARU's sustainability activities are overseen by the Finance, Employment and General Purposes Committee (FEGP), a sub-committee of our Board of Governors.

Our Sustainability Strategy Group meets quarterly and is chaired by our Chief Operating Officer, reporting twice a year to FEGP.

Our Students’ Union and student representatives are represented on our Sustainability Strategy Group and Sustainable Operations Group, and our Board of Governors is required to have a student governor. Find out more about broader ARU governance, including our Board of Governors.

Our working groups

Several working groups, reporting to the Sustainability Strategy Group, have been established to focus on delivery of each of our sustainability strategy goals.

Sustainability Learning Group

Goal 1: Our Students

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Working Group

This group reports to the Research and Innovation (R&I) Committee. In 2022 it published its first annual report outlining what we've been doing in our research, teaching and operations to further each of the 17 SDGs.

Goal 2: Our Research & Innovation

Sustainable Operations Group

Goal 3: Underpinning Operations

Goal 4: Our Community

Our people

James Rolfe - Chief Operating Officer

James Rolfe

James is the Sustainability Champion on our University Executive Team and chairs our Sustainability Strategy Group.

Find out more about James Rolfe

Prof Alison Greig - Director of Education for Sustainability

Photo of the Director of Education for Sustainability, Alison Greig

Alison leads the delivery of our Sustainability Strategy Goal 1, focussed on our students’ learning and experience.

[email protected]

Find out more about Prof Alison Greig

Prof Aled Jones - Director of Global Sustainability Institute

Dr Aled Jones

Aled leads the delivery of our Sustainability Strategy Goal 2, focussed on our research and innovation.

[email protected]

Find out more about Prof Aled Jones

Simon Chubb - Head of Sustainability

Simon Chubb

Simon leads the delivery of our Sustainability Strategy Goal 3, focussed on our operations.

[email protected]