What you need to know about staying in Sainji

A view of a street and buildings in Sainji

You will be staying in a small rural community with traditional values and sensitivities which you will need to respect. You will also become a role model, especially for the children and will need to behave accordingly.

Our hosts Lori and Kunwar have a number of basic rules for all visitors to the village and school, which includes; no smoking, no alcohol, no swearing, no sex. If you can not do without these for the duration of the trip please do not apply!

Facilities in the village are basic, but as clean and hygienic as possible and always safe and secure. You will be sleeping in rooms with several single beds, and sharing a bathroom which might be as simple as a bowl and a squat toilet. Electricity and water supplies are often interrupted although there are back up systems (generators and buckets). Most people have mobile phones and reception is generally good. You can buy a local sim card and data card easily.