What you'll be doing in Sainji

Volunteers in Sainji sitting next to the river

You’ll spend the first couple of days in Sainji mainly observing what's going on, getting familiar with the village, school and its people, and gaining crucial background knowledge.

After that, you'll get involved in a range of activities depending on what theme you're involved with. This may involve helping out in a classroom, working with teachers on a specific project, demonstrating first aid in a village, helping at the local hospital or collecting and analysing water samples.

There will also be an opportunity to visit Mussourie, an old colonial Hill Station which is now a bustling town where, in the summer months, Indian tourists come to escape the oppressive heat of the plains.

At the end of the trip, there's the chance to visit Rishikesh, take part in a yoga or spiritual retreat, relax on the beaches of the Ganges or go trekking in the hills.

We hope that the time you spend in Sainji will provide you with a new perspective with which to view the world and your future within it.