Online payments: terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions govern online payments to Anglia Ruskin University.

We have endeavoured to make this system easy to use. However, if you need any assistance, or if you experience any problems, please contact [email protected].

Please visit our Frequently asked questions page for further information.

Student: A person intending to register or attending the University for a course at the University.

Course: The course of study or programme of research at the University.

Student Rules, Regulations and Procedures: The student is bound by the conditions of these rules.

Fees: The tuition, accommodation fees and other fees payable by the student to the University.

Tuition fees: The fees payable by the student in respect of the course.

Accommodation fee:The fee payable by the student in respect of the student's residence in accommodation provided by the University or arranged by the University's Student Accommodation Service.

Accommodation Deposit: The fee payable by the student to apply for a place in accommodation provided or arranged by the University.

University: Anglia Ruskin University, Rivermead Campus, Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1SQ

2.1 It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the University's tuition fees, accommodation fees and accommodation deposit (as stated in our University's Student Rules and Regulations booklet or other fees documents supplied to the student and as reviewed and revised each Academic Year) and all other fees and expenses (some of which may be subject to a separate agreement) are paid in each Academic Year of the course. Unless the University agrees otherwise in writing the fees should be paid at the beginning of the Academic Year, whether directly by the student, or on the student's behalf by a third party (such as a relative, employer or other sponsor). An 'Academic Year' shall mean the yearly period of the course, the dates of which shall be notified to the student by the University.

2.2 The payment of any sums intended to be in respect of fees by or on behalf of the student does not in itself indicate the existence of a contract between the University and the student which contract shall only come into being when the University has given notification of acceptance of the student upon a course.

2.3 If the student is studying on a course which lasts for one Academic Year or less the student must ensure that the tuition fees are paid by the first day of the course, subject to Clause 3.1.

2.4 If the student is studying on a course which lasts for more than one Academic Year, the student must ensure that in each Academic Year the tuition fees are paid when registering on the course in each Academic Year, subject to Clause 3.1.

2.5 All payments made through this Online Payment Facility must be made in £ Sterling. Any currency conversion costs or other charges incurred in making the payment or in processing a refund shall be borne by the student or the third party making payment, and shall not be deductible from the fees due to the University.

3.1 Conditions 2.4 and 2.5 above shall not apply if the University has agreed in writing that any alternative arrangement for the payment of the fees will apply to the student (including payment of the student's contribution by instalments).

3.2 Where an instalment arrangement is set up to make payments from a credit/debit card account, the University will notify the student, or the third party making payment, of the dates on which instalment payments will be claimed, and the amounts of those instalments, at least 5 working days before the first instalment is due.

3.3 Payment of fees by a person or organisation other than the student does not constitute a contract for the provision of a course between such person or organisation and the University.

4.0.1 The policy below is supplementary to Section G of the University's Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students. For emphasis, the following text is reiterated: "In accordance with the Money Laundering Regulations 2007, as amended, refunds are made to the original payer and follow the method by which the University received the money. If the original payment was made using a credit card which has subsequently expired, bank details will be required for the individual or sponsor who made the original payment, so that a refund can be made to a bank account in their name." To facilitate this, the Finance team may request proof of payment source (eg bank statement) in order to ensure that monies only go back to where they came from.

4.0.2 Approved refunds requests (with correct payment details including, where necessary, SWIFT codes and IBANS, that match the original payment source) will be processed by the Finance team within 15 working days of receipt. However, depending on their respective banks, payments may take longer to reach students / sponsors. Where the University requires further information from a student to process their refund, this will further protract the processing time. So, it is advisable to ensure that full, correct and up-to-date information (including payment information) is provided at the start, to facilitate smooth and prompt payment processing.

Tuition fee refund

4.1.1 If the student leaves the University before they complete their course, any entitlement to a refund of tuition fees will be as determined in the conditions on which the University place was offered to the student.

4.1.2 Such refunds only apply to the tuition fees paid in respect of the Academic Year in which the student leaves. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this clause shall require the University to refund the fees (or part thereof) unless such fees (or part thereof) have previously been paid.

Accommodation fee refund

4.2 Entitlement to a refund of accommodation fees will be determined in the Accommodation Terms and Conditions to signed by the student on acceptance of University or University-arranged accommodation.

Other refunds

4.3 All other refunds will be determined by the Terms and Conditions signed by the student / customer when purchasing goods or services from the University.

5. Failure to pay the fees

5.1 If the fees due from the student remain unpaid for more than 14 days after the date when they are due the University shall be entitled to charge a fee as determined by the Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students.

5.2 If the fees and any other amounts due to the University remain unpaid 14 days after the date they are due, including fees payable under an instalment arrangements established by a third party, the University shall be entitled to take legal action against the student to recover the debt and may exclude the student from the University and withhold certificates, as stated in the Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students.

5.3 Payments made by or on behalf of a student shall go towards settlement of any current debt with the University before being applied to the settlement of any subsequent debt.

5.4 The University shall have the right to levy an administration charge (level of which will be published annually by notice) in the event of a failed instalment payment unless an agreement has been made in writing prior to such failure with the University's Credit Control section. Liability for payment of such administration charge shall rest with the student.

6. Security

6.1 All payment details which are entered through this payment gateway are encrypted when the student, or third party making payment, enters them. The site is secure using 128 bit encryption to offer secure communications by encrypting all data to and from the site.

6.2 The University shall not be liable for any failure by the student or third party making payment of fees to properly protect data from being seen on their screen by other persons or otherwise obtained by such other persons, during the Online Payment process or in respect of any omission to provide accurate information in the course of the Online Payment process.

7. Data protection

7.1 The University will be entitled to use information given during the Online Payments process for the following purposes:

  • Students: for registration and statistical purposes
  • Third parties making payment on behalf of the student: for University marketing purposes only. Personal information will not be passed to third parties.
Read more about more about refunds of fees.