An unplanned success

History & Lore

Like many of the best things in life, History & Lore was completely unplanned – it just sort of happened.

We were all studying at the same time, and one day we just started jamming together and it was really working. Things escalated quickly. Only a month later, we found ourselves with a handful of songs recorded and had three radio interviews under our belt. Now two years down the line, we’re tipped by Radio One and have been named NMG’s best new indie band of the year. It’s all been a bit of a whirlwind really. We definitely didn’t expect any of this.

It was difficult at first, as we had to find a balance between studying, and practising with the band. ARU was great though; letting us leave a little early to travel to gigs or taking days to be in the studio. The lecturers were so supportive from day one. Having that positive reassurance really gave us the confidence to give this chance for success everything we had.

I think there’s a preconception around university that you’re there to study (have a little fun on the side) then leave and get a job. And that’s all that’s expected of you, or that’s all there’s time for. But at the end of the day, your time at university is what you make it. You have to make your own choices and seize every opportunity you’re given, because you don’t know if you’ll be given it again.

Our lecturers were so supportive from day one. Having that positive reassurance really gave us the confidence to give this chance for success everything we had.

We spent our first year as a band trying to get our name out everywhere. It was utterly exhausting. But it also made people sit up and take notice of us, almost like we didn’t give them a choice. Ultimately you have to push yourself, because as much as you can hope for all the support in the world, your success is just that – it’s yours and you need to take responsibility for it.

As a result of our hard work, we find ourselves at a point where we’re just graduating from university and already have four singles ready to release. When you start something off your own back, you can sometimes feel like everybody’s doing the same thing, or doing it better, or what you’re doing is insignificant. But if it’s something you believe in, and something you love, then maybe just doing it is enough. If it goes somewhere, that’s just a bonus, because the experience alone is incredible. Either way you’ll never know unless you give it a go.

Danny Kingsley shared History & Lore's story. Danny performs vocals and guitar with the band and is a graduate of ARU's BA (Hons) Popular Music degree.