Feed your curiosity

Rosaliyo Samuel

Rosaliyo Samuel

Rosaliyo Samuel always knew her future would involve ‘understanding how things work’. Intensely curious and with a passion for engineering, she travelled thousands of miles from home to study at ARU. Five years on, she’s an associate university lecturer, inspiring other students about the subject she loves.

ARU exceeded all my expectations. When I joined, I thought I’d simply study, get my degree and return home. ARU did so much more than that, creating opportunities for me in so many different ways. I’m so much more than a student to them.

My time here has helped expand my own perception of what engineering can be. I’ve worked on some incredible projects, and studied alongside some brilliant students.

Before starting my university journey, I didn’t know what direction my life would take. However once I was here, I realised I had so many different options; so many different sectors I could specialise in. The best thing is the lecturers’ knowledge. They have different areas of expertise, so if I want to specialise in one area, I know I’ve got support.

ARU created opportunities for me in so many different ways. I'm so much more than a student to them

My lecturers have always had confidence in me, even when I lacked it myself. A lecturer looked at my research and dissertation and told me to try for a PhD. A lecturer told me I was good at giving presentations, and encouraged me to become an associate lecturer. The staff at ARU have truly expanded my horizons and I feel so lucky.

I thought being an associate lecturer would be difficult, but my lecturers encouraged me to try. I’m now doing really well. Once again, they believed in me when I didn’t, perhaps, fully believe in myself.

When I was younger, I often felt the need to justify my interest in engineering. Ever since I was in school back home in India, I’ve always loved playing with mechanical equipment and would often disassemble and reassemble things as a hobby. Once I was old enough, I decided that engineering was the career for me. But it didn’t take much to notice the misconception that this is a career path for men. No girls allowed. So I felt like I had to explain myself. My ambition. My passion.

At ARU, I feel positive about what I can do and what my prospects could be. I’m judged purely on my work ethic and my output. I feel so excited and proud to call myself an engineer.

Rosaliyo studied mechanical engineering at ARU – but you can also specialise in electronic, civil and medical engineering with us. Come to an Open Day and see for yourself.