Finding my second home

Education graduate Megg Flaxman

Megg Flexman

Megg graduated from ARU in 2018 with a first class honours degree in Education and Childhood Studies. She worked as a theatre assistant in day surgery before deciding to study at university.

I was admitted onto the course with a BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care, with a grade of Merit Pass Pass, equivalent to A-level grade DDE.

Going to university was sort of a spur of the moment decision. I decided to see if I was even able to get a spot with my low grades yet, due to my working life experience, ARU offered me a place then and there!

Six weeks later I started on my Education and Childhood Studies course. I will never forget my first day. I had transport issues and was ten minutes late. I walked in dripping wet and cold and the door accidentally slammed; everyone knew who I was – the late one!

Over the next three years, my course peers and the department staff became friends and University felt like my second home. I was the course representative for the whole three years which gave me the chance to get to know each member on my course.

During my time at ARU, I was also a student ambassador, class representative and involved with the Students’ Union, including holding the position of President for the Education Society.

The day I got my final grade was not only emotional due to the fact that I surprised everyone – including myself – in getting my first class honours degree, but emotional as I was sad to be leaving somewhere I truly enjoyed going to every day. The friends I gained along the way and the experience will never be forgotten. The education department inspired and pushed me to succeed by doing my best, and my peers were encouraging the whole time, even when tension built in our final year.

My three years at ARU were truly amazing and inspirational, an experience I am so grateful to have accomplished.

Since graduating, I've successfully won a place on IntoUniversity’s graduate scheme. IntoUniversity provides local learning centres to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their ambitions.

Megg studied Education and Childhood Studies at ARU. Interested in following in her footsteps? Explore our undergraduate education degrees.