Student stories

We're proud of our students and everything they achieve.

We think everyone's got a story to tell when they arrive at university. Your journey to higher education might not have been straightforward. You might have moved a long way from home to study the subject you love; been on a journey of self-discovery; or overcome considerable personal challenges. There are people at ARU who can relate to that.

Here, our students share some of their inspiring stories.

Benedict: Finding my future

What do you do when you're one of the first students to ever study medicine at ARU? If you're Benedict, you discover an affinity for cardiology, grow in confidence – and blaze a trail for those who come after you. Read Benedict's story.

Chris: In at the deep end

Following life-changing surgery, Chris's teachers weren't sure he'd make it through mainstream school. But he did. And then he took the next step, by applying to study business at ARU. Read Chris's story.

Esme: Making it work

How do you juggle university with the nursery run? Esme Harvey-Smith, a 20-year-old mum and drama student at ARU, has first-hand experience of 'jumping in and doing it'. Read Esme's story.

Ganesh: Getting down to business

Business student Ganesh considers university to be a big investment, and wanted to get the most from it. He believes that ARU has been the place to do that. Read Ganesh's story.

Grant: An activist's voice

Politics student Grant had a lot of things to consider when looking for the right university. He wasn't just looking for the right course, but the right values – including accessibility and open mindedness. Read Grant's story.

Immanuel: Defying the odds

Dysautonomy. Coeliac disease. Dyspraxia. Dyslexia. What do they all have in common? Answer: Immanuel, a Computer Gaming Technology student who's thriving at ARU. Read Immanuel's story.

Lisa-Marie: One life to live

Inspired to study law because of her own life experiences, and after a lengthy gap in her studies, Lisa-Marie chose ARU because of its supportive and pragmatic approach. Read Lisa-Marie's story.

Maggie: Taking the leap

Making the decision to go to university is never taken lightly, especially when it means leaving home. But what if, like Graphic Design student Maggie, your home is 1,500 miles away? Read Maggie's story.