Interest rates and repayment

Please visit The Federal Student Aid website for details on current interest rates for Direct Loans, which are included in the terms of your loan.

Please visit the Repayment section of the above website in order to view some sample repayment plans, to give yourself a good idea of the requirements you will have to meet when your loan goes into repayment after you complete/leave your studies. The website also contains sample monthly repayment amounts. You will arrange repayment of federal loans directly through your loan servicer. You can check who your loan servicer is on the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). You should always keep in contact with your loan servicer to make sure that you are up-to-date with loan repayment information.

Borrowers of unsubsidized loans have the option of paying interest while still in their studies at the University.

The borrower must repay the full amount of the loan regardless of whether the borrower completes the program, is unable to obtain employment upon completion, or is otherwise dissatisfied with or does not receive the educational or other services the borrower has purchased from the University.

It is your responsibility to:

  • notify your loan servicer of anything that affects your ability to repay your loan;
  • notify your loan servicer of any changes in your status, including graduation, and any changes to your name, address, or telephone number; and
  • notify your loan servicer if you fail to enroll for the period covered by your loan.

You can also make an early repayment directly to your loan servicer. If you make a repayment within 120 days of loan disbursement, then your lender will treat this as a partial or full cancellation, with the appropriate adjustment of the loan fee and interest.

Your student loan must be repaid. You will risk going into default if you do not make your loan payments as required by your loan servicer. Federal Student Aid offers full guidance on understanding default. Our Loan Types page provides some information on how repayment works and when you should expect repayments to start for the different loan types. You may also find the Federal Student Loans guide and Federal Student Aid repayment information useful.

If a student falls into default on any of their previous loans, they will be ineligible for any further financial aid, until they have rectified their default status.