Federal Student Loan Terms and Conditions

The University encourages students and families to thoroughly read all the terms and conditions of the loans they intend to borrow prior to committing to enrolling and requesting the loans.

Prospective and current students can find the terms and conditions for the US federal Direct Loan program here:

https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans and

Information security

ARU takes your information security very seriously and is constantly reviewing and updating our policies and best practices. You can review the latest requirements here.

Refund policy

In accordance with the Money Laundering Regulations 2007, as amended, refunds are made to the original payer and follow the method by which the University received the money. If the original payment was made using a credit card which has subsequently expired, bank details will be required for the individual or sponsor who made the original payment so that a refund can be made to a bank account in their name.

We will only refund your tuition fees for the following reasons

  • a. if we cancel your course, and you have already made payment
  • b. if you withdraw during the first three weeks of a course. We must receive a properly authorised and dated withdrawal or intermitting notice form (forms R1a and R1b).
  • c. if the University agrees a refund following the upholding of a complaint investigated under our Student Complaints Procedure or following a recommendation from the Office of the Independent Adjudicator
  • d. you have made a genuine overpayment to the University.

If you leave during or at the end of your first semester, we will refund only the second semester. If you leave during your second semester, you will not get a refund.

For advice regarding this and withdrawals generally, if you are a home / EU student, please contact the Student Money Advice Team at [email protected]. If you are an international student thinking of withdrawing, please contact International Advice Team at [email protected].

Entrance counseling

Prior to the first disbursement, first-time borrowers (other than for Parent PLUS loans) will be provided with comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of the loan and of the borrower’s responsibilities through entrance counselling. At the ARU, entrance counselling is required to be completed via Federal Student Aid before a loan will be approved.


The University does not engage in misrepresentation, which is prohibited by US Department of Education regulations as explained here:

  • Misrepresentation is defined as a false, incorrect, or misleading statement made directly or indirectly to a student, prospective student, any member of the public, an accrediting agency, a government agency or the Department.
  • A statement is any communication made in writing, visually, orally or through other means. This definition applies to statements made by an eligible institution, the institution’s representatives, or any ineligible institution, organization, or person with whom the eligible institution has an agreement to provide educational programmes or those that provide marketing, advertising, recruiting, or admissions services.
  • Substantial misrepresentation occurs when a misrepresentation upon which a person could reasonably be expected to rely causes harm. Substantial misrepresentations are prohibited in all forms, including those made in any advertising or promotional materials or in the marketing or sale of courses or programs of instruction offered by the Institution. An institution, one of its representatives, or a related party engages in substantial misrepresentation when it does so about the nature of its educational program, its financial charges, or the employability of its graduates.
  • If the U.S. Department of Education determines that an eligible Institution has engaged in substantial misrepresentation, it may impose sanctions against the institution.

Mature students policy

ARU does not accept any US student who does not have a high school diploma or equivalent. The University will thoroughly gage and investigate the appropriateness of a course for a student, who may be mature as follows:

  1. Standard application form – a student can apply via the ARU website, to make an application which can then be considered to then offer a place. This would be based on CV/work experience, Motivational Letter, qualifications and suitability for the course.
  2. SIF (Supplementary information form) – the student would apply as normal for their course of interest. If it is deemed that a student does not have the standard required grades or qualifications but has potentially professional work experience of life experience that can support the student’s application, we would refer to the Faculty/School (housing the course of interest). The Faculty/School would then complete a SIF. Exceptionally, evidence of an equivalent learning achievement may be considered to qualify for admission provided the applicant demonstrates that they have achieved the required level of knowledge and skills e.g. through documentary evidence, personal interview, written work, relevant work experience or a combination of these.
  3. APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning) - This is the term used by Anglia Ruskin University to describe learning achieved by an applicant through personal or work experience, or training not previously tested through formal education/certification. By assessing this experience/training against the learning outcomes of an Anglia Ruskin award it is possible to assign it a credit value.

Study abroad policy for US students

ARU encourages US students to take full advantage of their time studying abroad at our institution. We recognize that there may be times where a brief study abroad period at a US institution is necessary or beneficial. On a very limited basis and with prior approval, the University may consider allowing a Title IV eligible US student to complete part of their studies at a US institution under the following conditions:

  • That the student completes no more than 25% of their credential at the eligible US institution
  • That the US institution be one that is considered eligible and approved for US Title IV funding by the US Department of Education
  • That the US institution has a formal written arrangement with Anglia Ruskin to provide such.

At this time ARU has no written arrangements with any US institutions.

To discuss eligibility for study abroad please contact [email protected].