ARU Blogs — Medicine

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10 April 2024

Deciding to go back into further education as a mature student is not an easy decision. When I was faced with making this choice, I had to weigh up all my options carefully. Here's how I did it. Read more…

5 January 2023

It was easy for me to explain why I wanted to go into medicine. I want to work in a healthcare setting and deliver quality patient care and management. I want to fit in the pieces of a puzzle to come up with the diagnosis. The human body is fascinating and, to me… Read more…

30 August 2022

It isn’t unusual to hear people discuss burnout, especially when you study an intensive course such as medicine. You are usually in 5 days a week, and when you aren’t on placements or in lectures, you are making your way through a mountain of content in the hopes of passing your exams. Read more…

16 May 2022

One of the first questions I am asked is: what books do I need to buy before starting Medicine? My response will always be, unless you have required summer reading, leave out the book buying until you’re actually studying the course. Read more…

24 March 2022

When applying to Medicine, one of the most important things for me was to study in a place that not only had great facilities but also a place I could walk around and feel comfortable in. Fast forward to an open day at ARU and I got to tour around the brand-new Medical School, the library… Read more…

8 October 2021

Moving into halls can feel like a very grown-up decision when you’re 18. Once the reality sets in, you realise what unfamiliar territory you're treading and inevitably learn lots of life lessons along the way... Read more…

Medicine Bloggers


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