Three things I've learned from living in halls


Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Medicine
Course: MBChB Medicine
Category: Medicine

8 October 2021

Moving into halls can feel like a very grown-up decision when you’re 18. Once the reality sets in, you realise what unfamiliar territory you're treading and inevitably learn lots of life lessons along the way...

Here are my top 3.

Settling in

Worried that you may not fit in or find anyone with a similar interest? Don’t worry.

The first thing I realised when living in halls was just how many different types of people you end up meeting. Some you get on with and others you politely nod to when passing by. Either way, chances are you are going to make some of your best, lifelong friends. It makes sense, these people are going to be there with you making memories, laughing during the highs, and helping during the lows. The best are the ones waiting with a tub of ice-cream when you really need it.

Cleaning up

‘Clean’ can mean different things to different people; don’t expect everyone to interpret it the same way!

Most people shudder when they think of cleaning student halls, but it really isn’t as bad as it seems. Communication here is key: if you feel like there needs to be a crisis meeting in your flat because the black bins are piling up, host it! Get some snacks, sit down together, and get a rota sorted. It’s a great way to build on teamworking skills and group bonding. Also, don’t forget; mostly people will want to come home to a clean flat.

Reaching out

Having an open, honest chat is key. I loved living in halls for my first year but there were times I felt lost and like I didn’t belong.

Reaching out to the friends I had really helped me because often someone else was also in that headspace. This meant we could communicate and help each other along the way. This is a lifelong skill we all learnt together and now, reaching out for help when I need it comes much more easily.

There will be plenty of lessons you will learn along the way, but remember to enjoy yourself and have fun! Living in halls in one of the top experiences I have had in life and has allowed me to become more confident and independent.

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Fatima studies Medicine with ARU in Chelmsford. If you're interested in this, or other courses, come along to an Open Day ;to find out more about studying with us.


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