Wellbeing, Care Aesthetics and Art Research and Education Unit (We CARE)

We CARE aims to foster research at the intersection of art and wellbeing, through practices, pedagogy, and social, cultural and critical engagement.

Unit Lead: Dr Elena Cologni

Research groups and projects

Art & Care
Towards a Feminist Care Aesthetics
Art for Change through Engagement (ACE)
The Arts, Health and Wellbeing Research Network
The Culture Capital Exchange
A student working at a Mac with two screens

Study with us

We offer a Master's degree in Art, Health and Wellbeing, as well as PhD supervision in a supportive and enriching environment.

MA Art, Health and Wellbeing Art and Design PhD project opportunities Research degrees at Cambridge School of Art

Art & Care image credit: 'Care is Relational' and 'Care Instructions', © Elena Cologni, 2018 (limited edition digitally printed fabric).
Towards a Feminist Care Aesthetics image credit: 'Mother's Tools', © Elena Cologni, 2018 (one of four: wood, steel, custom-made fabric labels, printing tools from the artist’s mother’s embroidery kit, 20cmx20cm each, the artist’s collection. The labels read: CARE AS SUPPORT; RESPONSIVENESS TO NEED; PERSONS ARE RELATIONAL; UBUNTU).
The Arts, Health and Wellbeing Research Network image credit: George Shipley.
TCCE image credit: 'The Body of/at Work', © Elena Cologni, 2021 (Venice Biennale of Architecture, Italian Pavilion in the Resilient Communities program (Curator: Alessandro Melis)).