Dr Elena Cologni

Associate Professor
Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Cambridge School of Art
Research Supervision:
Courses taught:

Elena is Associate Professor of Contemporary Art and Critical Practice. She develops dialogic and situated artistic strategies for observing, recording and stimulating an awareness of experiences of the everyday.

Within this context she creates instruments to facilitate the sharing of insights, the location of situated knowledges and arising of new questions from within our relations with one another, place and the environment.

This is done through an interdisciplinary approach where artistic research intersects with environmental psychology, care ethics, philosophy, and gender studies, resulting in dialogic sculptures, public interventions, performance scores, and drawings.

Elena is also:

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Elena’s intertwined academic and artistic background includes:

  • Practicing Feminist Care Aesthetics, The Getty Research Institute (LA) grant (2023/2025)
  • Practices of care as ecofeminist and spatialized art (Artist International Development Fund, Arts Council England and British Council 2018/19, Artist-Newsletter Bursary 2019, Quality Research funding AHSS Faculty ARU) on women's labour and architecture (ongoing).
  • The Places of Memory, commissioned by the Universita’ di Pisa (Italy), and Heliopolis 21 Architects, in collaboration with local communities, and supported by CSA (ARU) and the DYP grant - Arts Council England (2022) (ongoing).
  • The 250th anniversary of Homerton College Artist fellow (University of Cambridge), where she collaborated with the 250 Archive working group on the project CARE: from periphery to centre resulting in a permanent sculptural commission (Research Excellence Framework 2021 submission).
  • Lecturer on the Fine Art in the Social Realm course at the University of Lincoln, where she was part of the Eleanor Glanville Research Centre (2016/17). During this time she developed Seeds of Attachment (2016/18, Awards for the Arts, Arts Council of England, in collaboration with the Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge) exhibited at the Women Art Collection at Edward Murray College of the University of Cambridge. The show …And Encounter was accompanied by the roundtable Nomadic and Dialogic: Art and Ecofeminism chaired by Curator Eliza Gluckman, with Feminist geographer Susan Buckingham and environmentalist Jenny Bavidge, and two artist talks and small exhibition at the Freud Museum in London (Research Excellence Framework 2021 submission).
  • Research Associate of Creativities in Intercultural Arts Network (Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 2013/2016), where she also taught on the Arts, Creativities Education and Culture Mphil course. Contributed to the preparation, of the series of conferences Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures.
  • Research Artist in Residence at the Faculty of Experimental Psychology University of Cambridge (2011/13), in collaboration with Prof Lisa Saksida. Including investigative public workshops (1 and 2) under the umbrella project Rockfluid (awarded with two Grant of the Arts, Arts Council of England, and Escalator Visual Art Retreat at Wysing Arts Centre, Escalator live art, Colchester Arts Centre). An attempt to investigate perception and memory in relation to place has informed subsequent body of work, including: Spa(e)cious (Wysing Art Centre, Galleria Artra Milan, MK Gallery Milton Keynes, Philosophy and performance group, performance Studies international and Kingston University Art Research Unit, Bergamo Scienza).
  • Research Fellow at York Saint John’s University (2007/09), during which time the book Mnemonic Present, Shifting Meaning (Mercurio, Turin 2009) was published. Further developed related projects include Re-Moved at Glasgow international 08 Biennale 2008, and Geomemos, Yorkshire Sculpture Park in 2009.
  • Post Doctorate Research Fellow at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London (Arts and Humanities Research Council 2004/06), where she conducted the project ‘Present Memory And Liveness In Delivery And Reception Of Video Documentation During Performance Art Events’, in collaboration with Psychologist Thomas Suddendorf. Main outcome: Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding series, 2005-2006 (Research Assessment Exercise 2008 submission).
Spoken Languages
  • Italian
  • English
Research interests
  • research as art practice methodologies and within interdisciplinary approaches
  • relational, participatory and dialogic art approaches
  • place attachment, place making and site responsive practices
  • eco feminism and female environmental art practices
  • art in relation to visual perception and cognition, and processes of memorisation
  • feminist care aesthetics, art and well-being

Elena leads on the modules 'Care Ethics and Art: Place, Environment, and Community' and 'Care Practices' within the MA Art, Health and Wellbeing course.


Elena gained a BA in Fine Art from Accademia di Belle Arti Brera in Milan, an MA in Sculpture from Bretton Hall College, Leeds University and a PhD in Fine Art and Philosophy (The Artist’s Performative Practice within the Anti-Ocularcentric Discourse) from University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, 2004.

Memberships, editorial boards


Editorial Boards

Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange

Elena regularly provides educational activities in collaboration with art galleries and museums, for example with: for the Circuit project (funded by Tate and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, at Wysing Arts Centre and Kettles Yard, Cambridge) and Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arts, Norwich, among others. Cologni also collaborated with the NHS Foundation Trust (Peterborough and Cambridge) to devise a pilot project of creative interventions in schools.


  • Co-I with Joe McCullagh Observatory for a better future: Wysing Arts Centre and Cambridge School of Art, the Collaboration Fund, Arts Humanities and Social Science Faculty, ARU Higher Education Innovation Fund 2022/23
  • PI Social Innovation Fund Arts Humanities and Social Science Faculty, ARU. British Council, Venice Biennale fellowship scheme 2022, 2021, 2020
  • PI Social Innovation Fund Arts Humanities and Social Science Faculty, ARU. Uncovered: How do you do Research Through Art? (Cambridge Festival)
  • PI The Places of Memory, Develop Your Artistic Practice - Arts Council England, 2022 (Universita’ di Pisa, Heliopolis21 Architects, NY Institute of Technology)
  • Placing Interconnectivity, IKT- International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art, Harald Szeeman prize, 2021, curator Gabi Scardi
  • Emergency grants for individuals - Arts Council England, 2020, (Wysing Arts Centre)
  • Seeds of Attachment - The Shape of the Public’s Health award - first prize - Royal Society for Public Health in collaboration with the Royal Society of Sculptors 2019
  • PI Practices of care as ecofeminist and spatialized art - Artist International Development Fund - British Council and Arts Council England, 2018
  • Artist Bursaries - Artists Newsletter, 2018
  • PI Seeds of Attachment Grants for the Arts - Arts Council England, 2016 (The Women Art Collection
  • PI Gropius' Impington. Art and Rural Communities Grants for the Arts - Arts Council England, 2014
  • PI Rockfluid. Shaping memory in transit, Escalator program Visual art, and Live art - Grants for the Arts - Arts Council England, 2011 (Faculty of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge, in collaboration with Colchester Arts Centre and Wysing Arts Centre)
  • PI Geomemos, Grants for the Arts - Arts Council England, 2009 (Yorkshire Sculpture Park)
  • PI Present Memory and Liveness in Delivery and Reception of Video Documentation during Performance Art Events - Award for the Creative and Performing Arts - Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2004 (Central Saint Martins College, University of the Arts London)
  • Research Scholarship - University of the Arts, London, 1999


  • Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, Italy 2020/21
  • Margaret Lowenfeld Library, Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge 2016
  • Frei_Raum Q21, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, Austria, 2016
  • UNESCO/European Funding - IArts Residency, 2015
  • Radio Materiality, Vessel, Bari, Italy, 2013
  • Faculty of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge, 2011
  • GEOMEMOS, Yorkshire Sculpture Park 2009
  • Creative Lab Residency - Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, 2006
Selected recent publications

Elena Cologni: Pratiche di Cura o Del Cur(v)are, (2021) exhibition guide, text by Gabi Scardi, at Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice

Keene, Melanie and Held, Virginia and Cunningham, Peter and Scardi, Gabi and Cologni, Elena (2020) CARE: from periphery to centre. Homerton College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Cologni, E. (2020). Caring-With Dialogic Sculptures. A Post-Disciplinary Investigation into Forms of Attachment. PsicoArt – Rivista Di Arte E Psicologia, 10(10), 19–64. 

Cologni, Elena (2021) Figura/Sfondo. Un dialogo | Foreground/Background. A dialogue. In: Università di Pisa : Obiettivo 5 : il Polo della Memoria SR1938. Pisa University Press, pp. 33-36. ISBN 978-88-3339-613-2

Cologni, Elena (2021) Pilastri invisibili. Il ruolo delle donne ebree nella storia dell'emancipazione della condizione della donna italia | Invisible pillars. The role of jewish women in the history of the women emancipation of Italy. In: Università di Pisa: Obiettivo 5 : il Polo della Memoria SR1938. Pisa University Press, pp. 137-143.

Cologni, E. 2018. 'Locating Oneself', in Capucci, Copolletta (Eds) The New and History – art*science 2017/Leonardo 50 Proceedings.Noema Media and Publishing (ISBN 978-88-909189-7-1)

Cologni, E. 2016. 'A Dialogic Approach For The Artist As An Interface In An Intercultural Society'. In Burnard, Mackinlay, Powell, The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research New York, London: Routledge

Cologni E. (2015) 'Spa(e)cious, in context', in The Future of Cognitive Humanities Conference Proceedings, Oxford University

Cologni, E. (2014) 'Where others will take me'. In Where do you see yourself in twenty five years? Gareth Bell-Jones (Ed) Wysing Arts Centre, p 9.

Cologni, E. (2012) 'Dynamics of collective and individual experiences of space and duration within specious present. while producing forms of documentation'. In Minors, H.J. (Ed) How Performance Thinks Conference Proceedings, Kingston University Practice Research Unit and the PSi performance & Philosophy working group.

Cologni, E. and Santomauro, A. (2012) 'Public Space and Memory' in Green Days (European Cultural Foundation, neoncampobase (Bologna), AAA - Audiovisual Artists Anonymous (Brussels), Radar (Loughborough), Fabrica de Pensule (Cluj-Napoca) pp 45-48

Cologni, E. (2010) 'That spot in the 'moving picture' is you, (perception in time-based art), in Blood, Sweat & Theory: Research through Practice in Performance. John Freeman (Ed), Libri Publishing, London

Cologni, E, (2009) (ed), Mnemonic Present, Shifting Meaning, Mercurio Edizioni, Vercelli, including texts from Amelia Jones, Kelina Gotman, Andrea Lissoni, Helena Blaker, Giacinto di Pietrantonio, Lib Taylor, Philip Auslander

Cologni, E. (2009) 'Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding', in Allegue Fuschini, L, Jones, S., Kershaw, B and Piccini, A (eds), Practice-As-Research In The Performing And Screen Arts, London: Palgrave Macmillan

Cologni, E. (2006) 'Present-Memory: Liveness Versus Documentation And The Audience's Memory Archive in Performance Art', International Conference Consciousness, Literature and the Arts, Cambridge Scholars Press

Cologni, E., (2005) 'Fruition: perceptual time 'gap' as location for knowledge - Mnemonic Present Un-folding' in Perspective section of Body, Space & Technology, ISSN 1470-9120, School of Arts, Brunel University

Cologni, E., (2002) Public Private Perceptions, including texts by Wallace, M., Le Grice, M., Grazioli, E. published by Galleria Neon, Bologna, Italy, March 2002 (funded London Underground Ltd and Neon)

Cologni, E., (2002) Ancora Cerca in OUTLOOK sguardi dell’arte sull’arte, Corsini, P. and De Pascale, E., Edizioni AAB n. 90 Spazi Aperti – 1, abb ed., Brescia , March 2002, p. 5

Cologni, E., (2000) ‘Institutions in Great Britain: Artist as Researcher. Diagrams’, Oreste at the Venice Biennale, AAVV, Charta, Milan

Selected solo exhibitions, site-specific installations, and performances

2023 416 at RS1938, public art, Universita’ di Pisa, Italy

2023 where others will take me, in Winter Sculpture Park, London, UK

2021 Pratiche di Cura o Del Cur(v)are, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, curator Gabi Scardi

2021 The body of/at work, experiential exercises, city of Venice, and Resilient Communities, Italian Pavilion, Biennale of Architecture, La Biennale di Venezia, curator Alessandro Melis, organiser Daniele Menichini;

2021 Placing Interconnectivity, experiential exercises, Parco Sempione, Milan, curator Gabi Scardi, and in conversation with Elke Krasny and Francesca Picchi.

2020 ‘Affordances of spaces’, remote experiential exercises, Ars Electronica, Garden of … Knowledge for Humanity, Austria

2018/19 'Care: from periphery to centre', Homerton College, Cambridge

2017/18 '...And Encounter', New Hall Art Collection, Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge

2017/18 'Dialogues Without Words', Freud Museum, London

2016 'Lived Dialectics Movement And Rest', Q21/museumsquartier, Vienna, Austria (Gulsen Bal, Walter Seidl)

2016 'Structures of Support', the Nunnery, London (curators Tessa Garland, Cinzia Cremona)

2015 'Gropius' Offcuts', screening, Open Space Kunst Zentrum, Vienna

2015 'Gropius' Offcuts', Cambridge Festival of Ideas, Impington Village College

2015 'Lo Scarto', Castelvetrano, Sicily Italy

2015 'Lo Scarto, Touch, Critical Practice #Transacting: A Market Of Values, Chelsea College of Arts, curator M Bradfield

2014 'Balancing', Doppelganger Gallery, Bari, Italy

2008 'Il Soffio, at the back of mind', Tournai Cathedral, Tournai, Belgium, June-September

2013 'Navigation Diagrams', MK Gallery, Milton Keynes (curator Simon Wright)

2013 'Spac(e)cious', Bergamo Scienza, Bergamo, Italy

2012 'Spac(e)cious', Wysing Arts Centre (curator Ellie Morgan)

2012 'Spac(e)cious', Milton Keynes Gallery (curator Simon Wright)

2012 'Views From Above', Northumberland Telescope, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, curators Elinor Morgan and Bronac Ferran, Anglia Ruskin University

2009 'Geomemos', Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Yorkshire

2009 'Re-Moved', Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, (Glasgow international 08), curator Francis McKee, Scotland

2006 'Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding #9', Tapra, Centre for Speech and Drama, London

2006 'Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding #8', in Wonderful, Trieste, curator Maria Campitelli

2006 'Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding #7', Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, curator Joel Cahen

2005 ''Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding #6', Transversalities, University of Reading, intro by Lid Taylor

2005 'Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding #5', Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy, curator Boart

2005 'Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding #4', Performance As Research In Practice, Leeds University

2005 'Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding #3', gamec, Bergamo, Italy (Curators di Pietrantonio)

2005 'Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding #2', International Conference Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK

2005 'Mnemonic Present, Un-Folding #1', Performance Studies international # 11, Brown University, RI (USA)

1999 'Diagrammi', Venice Biennale (Oreste project)

1999 'Ancora Cerca', National Portrait Gallery London

Selected Group Exhibitions

2022 'To Handle Detachment (in action and at rest)’ in “Here. Between Not-yet and No-more”, Galleria Milano (9 May-30 June 2022), Italy

2020 Cologni, E., Eidotypes of difference as cure. From the series of experiential exercises: a) measurement of attachment to a place, in autoprogettazione, Curators: Merola, T., Pellegrini, N., Trevisan, B. Galleria Milano, Italy

2019 'Parallel Lines, Drawing and Sculpture', Royal Society of Sculptors and Ingram Collection, Woking Gallery, UK

2019 'The Shape of the Public's Health', prize shortlist, Royal Society of Public Health, London

2019 Art Initiative: 'Open Space, Parallel', Vienna, Austria, curators Gulsen Bal and Walter Seidl

2016 'Visions', at The Nunnery, London

2016 'Art, Language, Location', Ruskin Gallery and various locations, Cambridge UK

2013 'Radio Materiality', Athens Biennale curators Vessel (Viviana Checchia, Anna Santomauro)

2013 'MK Calling', MK Gallery, Milton Keynes, UK

2012 'Games Artists Play', Ruskin Gallery Cambridge, curator Bronac Ferran

2012 'Limits of Seeing (II)', Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, curators B Ferran, E Morgan

2012 'Cose Cosmiche', Artra Gallery, Milan, Italy curators Helga Franza and Silvia Hell

2012 'Re-Collect', Wysing Arts Centre, Bourn Cambridge, curator Eleanor Morgan

2011 'Action Field Kodra', Tessaloniki, Greece, curator A. Avgitidou

2009 'Performed', Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, UK

2008 'Inside-Out', Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge UK

2008 'Triennial of Contemporary Fiber Art', Italia la Fibra Sottile, Tournai Belgium

2008 'Re-Opening', Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge UK

2008 'Glasgow International 08 Biannual', various venues, Glasgow, Director Francis McKee

2006 'Disertare Dissertare', Centro Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea, Genazzano, Rome, curators Start Wonderful, performance program Serra di Villa Revoltella, Trieste, curator Maria Campitelli

2006 'Territories of Duration...', Karþý Sanat Museum, Istanbul, Turkey, curator Gulsen Bal

2006 'Semionauti (Border Crossing)', Careof, Milan and Neoncampobase, Bologna, Italy

2004 'Tur Re Tur (Border Crossing)', Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo, Norway

2004 'Definitely Provisional', Appendiks, London UK, Copenhagen, Denmark, curator Cecilia Canziani

2004 'La Polvere Nell'Arte', Assabone, Milan, Italy, curator Elio Grazioli

2003 'Fra Autoritratto E Percezione Di Sé', Galleria Neon, Italy, curator G Gianuizzi

2003 'Tra-Monti', Rome, Italy (curator Luca Lo Pinto), funded City Council

2002 'Sguardi Dell'Arte Sull'Arte', Pinacoteca 'Tosio Martinengo', Brescia, Italy curator Enrico De Pascale

1999 'Venice Biennale', Director Harold Szeeman

Recent presentations and conferences

Cologni E, and Visse M., (Drew University), organisers, Art & Care talks series (2020/) including: Art&Care, study day, at the Cambridge Festival (2021 and 2022)

'The journey from home to work through the experience of the Venice Weaving Factory’s workers', 14-15 December 2021, City, Public Space & Body conference, Goldsmiths, University of London

Cologni, E., Scardi, G., Krasny, E., Rudd, N., Facchin. V., Vanore, M., Melis. A., Visse, M. Elena Cologni. The Body of/at Work, 9 November 2021, in Resilient Communities, Italian Pavilion, La Biennale di Venezia

Cologni, E. (2020). ‘Prendersi cura (con) e distanziamento fisico’. In Scali Urbani conference, Livorno, Italy

Panel contribution: Elian Carsenat (FR), Erik Champion (AU), Paolo Ciuccarelli (IT/US), Elena Cologni (IT/UK), Sara Colombo (US), Markus Nordberg (CH), Melissa Terras (UK), Eveline Wandl-Vogt (AT), (2020) ‘Creating a New Normal: Arts, Design, Humanities and Social Sciences 4 Emergency?’ Ars Electronica Garden of … Knowledge for Humanity, Austria

Cologni, E., (2019) ‘Intraplaces: Ecofeminism, Care, and Spatialized Art’, in Spatial Dialogues in Feminism panel with Guillen, Melinda, and Villarroel, Fernanda Isobel. 107TH CAA Annual Conference, New York

Cologni, E., On Care, And Finding The Cur(V)E. A Geography of Difference Through Caring, performance, in Ecologies of Care: Feminist Activism panel curator Basia Sliwinska, 108TH CAA Annual Conference, Chicago, 12–15 February, 2020

Cologni, E., Gropius' Off-Cuts in 'Thinking Through... Design: Between Urban And Rural', De La Warr Pavilion Bexhill On Sea, convened by UCL Urban Laboratory, 2019

Cologni, E., On Care, and Finding the Cur(v)e. A Geometry of Difference Through Caring, two-part workshop in The Paradox European Fine Art biennial forum Art Future / Future Signs The future of contemporary fine art research and education 2019 in Riga, Latvia (programme)

Cologni, E., Buckingham, S., Bavidge J., chaired by Gluckman, E., Nomadic and Diologic: Art and Ecofeminism, New Hall Art Collection of the Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge

Cologni, E., Buckingham, S., Intraplaces: Dialogues Without Words, Freud Museum, London, London 2018

Cologni, E., Attachment & Intraplaces: Discussing a Nomadic and Dialogic Approach in Spatialized Art Practice, Artist Talk, Freud Museum, London 2018

Cologni, E., Indisciplined, London LASER (a project of Leonardo® /ISAST, the International Society for Art, Science and Technology), organised by Heather Barnett , University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins and University of Westminster (CREAM)

Cologni, E., Jones, R., 'Seeds of Attachment' in Indialogue Biannual conference 2016, Nottingham Contemporary (invited speaker)

Cologni, E., Connerton, P., Lo Scarto (touch) in Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures, Conference, Cambridge University 2016

Cologni, E. Lo Scarto, A Dialogic Approach For The Artist As an Interface in an Intercultural Society, CARU (Contemporary Arts Research Unit) Oxford Brookes, 2015

Cologni, E., Research as Art Practice: Dialogic and In-disciplinary approach in Rockfluid, in Arts and Research, convegno Accademia di Belle Arti Catania, Miur e C.N.R., 2015

Cologni, E., Artistic Research: Practice and Research redefining each other, chaired by Prof Pam Burnard, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Graduate School, 2015

Cologni, E., SPA(E)CIOUS, in context, The Future of Cognitive Humanities, Oxford University, 2015

Cologni, E. ‘Research as Art Practice. A Phenomenology of Participation Based on Trust’ in Re-framing Interdisciplinary perspectives CIAN Faculty of Education (cam.ac.uk), 2013

Cologni, E., SPA(E)CIOUS, Performance Studies international (PSi)# 19, on time, Stanford University, USA

Cologni, E., SPA(E)CIOUS, on trust, Radical Space Conference, UEL, London 2013

Cologni, E., SPA(E)CIOUS, on trust, Consciousness Literature and the Arts International Conference, Lincoln University 2013

Cologni, E., SPA(E)CIOUS, Exhibiting Performance conference Westminster University, 01/03 March 2013

Cologni, E., SPA(E)CIOUS Present, Dynamics of collective and individual experiences of space and duration within specious present, adopting technologies for enhancing audience engagement, while producing forms of documentation at How Performance Thinks PSi Performance and Philosophy working group and Kingston University’s practice.research.unit, 2012

Cologni, E., SPA(E)CIOUS Present, Dynamics of collective and individual experiences of space and duration, Artra Gallery, October 2012

Cologni, E., and Saksida, L., chaired by Dr Caterina Albano (Artakt, University of the Arts London), Rockfluid, Interfacing With Memory, Science Festival, Department of Experimental Psychology Cambridge University (2012), Cambridge Science Festival 2012

Cologni, E., Rockfluid, shaping memory in transit, Performance Studies international #17, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2011

Cologni, E., Saksida, L, Rockfluid, shaping memory in transit, Science Festival, Department of Experimental Psychology Cambridge University 2011

Cologni, E. convener, 'Performed', Wysings Arts Centre, Cambridge, with Amelia Jones, Gavin Butt, Kathy Noble, Mel Brimfield, 2009

Cologni, E., Creative Practice, Creative Research, in Materiality Process Performativity, York Saint John University, 15-17 April 2009

Cologni, E., 'That spot in the 'moving picture' is you' workshop, in Performing Presence: from the live to the simulated, Centre for Intermedia, University of Exeter, UK, 28 March 2009

Cologni, E., ‘Erasure And Replacement in the present’, The Performance Studies Focus Group (PSFG) of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) USA, New Orleans, July 27-29 2007

Cologni, E., 'Scotoma', Intimacy: Across Visceral & Digital Performance, Goldsmiths College, Laban & The Albany, 7-9 December 2007, London

Cologni, E., 'Apnea', performance, Performing Heritage International Conference, The Manchester Museum and The University of Manchester, 2008

Cologni, E., ‘Tracing’, performative video live installation Performance As Research In Practice Conference, University of Bristol, 11-14 September 2003