Policies, procedures and regulations

Here at ARU, we're dedicated to making our University a great place to study and work; a place that's open and accessible to all. Our policies and procedures help us to do this.

We're committed to equality, diversity and inclusion; to supporting access to university for all; to sustainability; and to the health and wellbeing of our community.

You can read more about these commitments – and others – below.

We’ve been certified to the international environmental management standard ISO 14001 since 2009 and our sustainability commitments are outlined in our Sustainability Strategy 2020-26. For further information on how we're incorporating sustainability and environmental awareness into our teaching, research and University operations, please visit our sustainability web pages.

We're also committed to purchasing goods and services without causing harm to others in terms of slavery, servitude or forced labour. In support of this, we published our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.

We have published our academic regulations (including admissions and academic appeals procedures); our rules, regulations and procedures for students and our Student Charter.

We’re a higher education corporation and an exempt charity, and we publish our annual report and accounts every year.