Annual report and accounts

At ARU we're committed to transforming lives through innovative, inclusive and entrepreneurial education and research. In 2022-23 we successfully applied to become a provider of Initial Teacher Training, enabling us to build on our strong network of partnerships with schools across the region.

Our education partnership with seven police forces across the East and South East of England reached a major milestone when we welcomed our 1,000th policing student. We're proud to be training many of our region’s key workers.

Meanwhile our research work continued to make a difference to individuals and communities. Notable activity included:

  • a pilot study by Cambridge Institute of Music Therapy highlighted the potential of a music therapy technique to help children with severe acquired brain injuries
  • an app that helps healthcare practitioners spot health issues at birth, originally developed at ARU as a tool to support our student midwifery training, is now available for qualified practitioners worldwide
  • we helped to shape a report which outlines an ambitious Net Zero roadmap for the higher and further education sector
  • our Policing Institute for the Eastern Region (now known as the International Policing and Public Protection Research Institute) joined two key partnerships that are helping to tackle the threat of online child sexual abuse, and self-generated sexual imagery.

We also opened ARU Peterborough and welcomed the first cohort of students in September 2022. The university will provide life-changing opportunities for local people who may not previously have considered degree-level study and deliver a skilled workforce to meet employers’ future needs.

Finally, we announced our intention to merge ARU and Writtle University College, one of the UK’s leading institutions for land-based studies, bringing together our strengths across education and research.

Annual report and accounts archive