Getting down to business

Bsc (Hons) Business Management student Ganesh Gupta

Ganesh Gupta

BSc (Hons) Business Management at ARU

There is this stereotype that hangs around university. That students just attend a couple of lectures a week, do a bit of work, and then party the rest of the time. However, my experience at ARU is the polar opposite.

Rather than seeing university as a three-year social club, most of the people around me in fact seem to have side projects, business ideas and dreams that they’re working hard towards.

Whether it’s because university is a bigger commitment than ever before, or simply because so many talented people are now graduating at the same time every year, I don’t know. But there’s a sense that you have to be a professional right from the moment you start studying and not just once you graduate, and that’s an immensely positive thing. University is a big investment – it’s so important to get the most out of it. ARU has been an incredible place to do just that.

The level of experience I'm getting [is] putting me a step ahead before I've even graduated

I was encouraged early in my studies to become involved with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), in the role of student ambassador. It allows me to not only represent my region at fairs and events, but I also sit on CMI board meetings. The level of experience I’m getting from working alongside such senior, successful people and seeing first-hand how they work is going to be invaluable to my studies and my career. It’s putting me a step ahead before I’ve even graduated.

The atmosphere here has given me the drive to create business ideas that I can pitch in ARU competitions, and to start creating networks with other students that could last a lifetime. It’s a lot of work on top of your studies, but learning time management and switching between projects is just as important as any course work. And like I said, there are thousands of other students out there doing the same. You have to take yourself and your ambitions seriously from day one and find a university that does the same. That’s exactly what ARU has done for me.

Ganesh is part of our Faculty of Business and Law, where he studies BSc (Hons) Business Management. Come along to an Open Day to find out more about courses and student life at ARU.