
Shadow of a soldier on a memorial wall inscribed with names of the fallen

The Narrative research theme, led by Dr Nick Caddick, uses narrative as a conceptual and methodological device for coming to terms with the multiple legacies of war and military service for veterans, other groups impacted by war, and for broader society.

Narratives shape our understanding of the world, privileging certain meanings and interpretations over others. Critically examining what stories and narratives are and what they do is key to understanding the impact of narrative in society.

Significant projects within the VFI’s Narrative research theme include an AHRC-funded project exploring the impact of arts, culture and sport in supporting veteran transition to civilian life, FiMT-funded work exploring the experiences of Non-UK service personnel and families in the British Armed Forces, and a book project: Culture Politics of Veterans’ Narratives (Edinburgh University Press).

For more information about the Narrative research theme, email [email protected]