Research graduate stories

Anglia Ruskin University PhD graduate Ronak Al-Haddad

Read about the experiences of research students at ARU, and the careers they’ve followed after completing a PhD.

Alex Turner: Analytical Forensic Chemistry and Criminology

Alex completed her PhD at ARU in 2016, and now works as Applied Research Lead for the Children's Society. Her role involves leading and managing commissioned research and providing expert guidance to external organisations. Read Alex's case study.

Andra Ivănescu: Video Game Music

Andra's PhD in Video Game Music led her to Brunel University, where she is Programme Lead of the BA Games Design degree. She is also a member of the university's Ludomusicology Research Group, and has published consistently. Read Andra's case study.

Christoph Frank: Accounting and Finance

Having completed his PhD at ARU in 2021, Christoph has seen his career develop significantly. He now works as Global Director of Financial Reporting for a major airline catering company in Switzerland. Read Christoph's case study.

Fiona Chatten: Integrated Care

Already an experienced NHS professional, since completing her PhD Fiona has seen opportunities to offer freelance training increase significantly. She has worked with health, social care and academic partners to deliver teaching sessions and share learning from her PhD. Read Fiona's case study

Javaid Butt: Additive Manufacturing

After completing his PhD in 2016, Javaid pursued his long-term goal: a career in academia. At ARU, Javaid is Associate Professor of Digital Manufacturing, and teaches on several engineering modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Read Javaid's case study.

Ronak Al-Haddad: Computing and Information Science

Having moved to the UK from Iraq, where she gained her first degree, Ronak studied for a Masters and a PhD at ARU. She took the opportunity to teach as part of her PhD, and now works as a lecturer in computer networks and cyber security at ARU. Read Ronak's case study.

Ross Kemble: Management Science

As Suffolk Executive MBA Programme Leader, Ross draws on the skills he developed during his PhD, including communication and problem-solving. He has taken on additional responsibilities and is moving toward senior management. Read Ross's case study.

Sophie Phelps: English Literature

Sophie started teaching while studying for her PhD, and went on to gain a PGCE in post-compulsory education. She now works in the secondary sector, and continues to build on the teaching skills she gained during her PhD. Read Sophie's case study.