Operating Department Practice facilities

Our Cambridge and Chelmsford campuses both offer state-of-the-art, purpose-built theatre skills laboratories, in which our students are able to use sophisticated equipment to simulate many aspects of the perioperative environment.

Students are able to be very hands on, with skills sessions throughout the course, and benefit from working in small groups to practice skills such as airway management, surgical scrubbing, gloving and gowning, preparing a patient for surgery, communicating with patients, applying and interpreting basic and invasive monitoring, setting up equipment, and preparation for many emergency situations which may occur in the practice environment.

Skills sessions are an exciting part of the ODP course at ARU and we are constantly striving to utilise these to their best possible advantage.

"There have been many other occasions in which the skills lab has helped me in practising practical skills before having to practise them during my placement.

"Additionally, on multiple occasions I have seen or heard things in placement and even after asking questions, I have struggled to understand them. However, once I can get hands on in the skills lab, everything comes together and starts to make sense.

"The skills lab sessions have been undeniably beneficial to my learning, and I feel very lucky to have access to such an engaging environment!"

Sophie Cunningham, second year student, Operating Department Practice BSc (Hons). Read more about Sophie's experiences in the ODP skills labs.

Learn more about our Operating Department Practice BSc (Hons) course.