Widening participation

Help us break down the financial barriers to education

Most students face some degree of financial hardship, and many willingly accept this as a necessary sacrifice towards gaining a first-rate education. But for some people, the financial barriers to education are impossible to overcome.

So we’re seeking your support to help us break down those barriers and provide life-changing opportunities for students who, without additional aid, simply wouldn’t be able to access higher education.

Investing in a student’s future can deliver far-reaching returns, because our graduates go on to become the next generation of highly-skilled experts our world so badly needs.

We educate music therapists who bring relief to people affected by illness, injury and disability. We nurture environmental scientists who grapple with global sustainability challenges. And we train the next generation of midwives and medics who we’ll all rely on for essential healthcare. Yet without your help, many of the most talented prospects simply won’t be able to enter or complete higher education.

To get involved or to learn more about the ways you can support us, get in touch today at [email protected] or by phone on 01245 684727. We’d be delighted to hear from you.

Or to make a donation now, please use the button below.


Thank you.

Case study: Student Hardship Bursary recipient, 2017

One of our BSc nursing students was progressing well in the final year of her nursing degree, but a growing workload and heightened financial pressure left her facing a crisis. Struggling to keep up with rent and other essential living costs, she faced having to abandon her studies to seek full-time work.

A Hardship Bursary, funded by our generous supporters, gave her critical breathing space – covering her rent and other day-to-day expenses while she focussed on completing her course. She went on to graduate with a first class degree.

With just a few months to go, I feared that my struggle to cover even the most basic living costs would force me to walk away, sacrifice all that hard work and give up on my dream – so receiving the Hardship Bursary was an enormous relief. It enabled me to focus on my dissertation and complete my final work placements, and I’ve now achieved my goal of becoming a registered nurse.
BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing student