Enhancing the student experience

Nurturing well-rounded graduates who enrich our world

At ARU, we recognise the need to provide our students with more than just academic or theoretical insight. When our graduates head out into the world beyond our University, they need practical skills plus a deep understanding of how their newly acquired knowledge can be applied to best effect. That’s why we have such a strong focus on providing opportunities that enhance the student experience.

However, some students are unable to afford the additional cost associated with these experiences. But thanks to the generosity of our support network, many have been able to take part in events that have added enormous value to their studies.

Examples include providing First Aid training for 20 Foundation Public Service students, equipping them with essential life-saving skills that can prove so valuable in their work with disadvantaged groups and across diverse public services. Donations also allowed us to fund a workshop led by a world-leading expert in infant sleep – helping our midwifery students learn more about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Donor-funded events like these deliver important benefits, both to our students and the communities they live and work in, yet they wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of our support network.

To get involved or to learn more about the ways you can support us, get in touch today at [email protected] or by phone on 01245 684727. We’d be delighted to hear from you.

Or to make a donation now, please use the button below.


Thank you.

Case study: International Community Experience – Mission Ukraine

Anglia Ruskin organises International Community Experience (ICE) projects funded by donations from alumni, friends and partners of our University.

In June 2016, a group of seven volunteers travelled to Ukraine to volunteer their services at the Revival Centre – an innovative rehabilitation project helping children suffering from the effects of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, and with other life-limiting disabilities.

Activities included assisting with music therapy and physical therapy, doing crafts and performing a puppet show. We also planted a therapy garden for the children, undertook some general maintenance of the centre and worked with a local language school called The Lyceum.
ARU Sports Club Development Officer and ICE volunteer