Other resources

Sustainability is a broad topic and getting a grasp on the ideas and keywords behind the concept can be daunting. To help, we've gathered some resources to get you on your way.

Download our jargon buster

When reading the literature on sustainability or education for sustainability (EfS), there are plenty of keywords that need explaining. Enter: the jargon buster. We've done all the research for you, finding the best and most useful definitions for those new words. If you want to add to the jargon buster, please contact us.

Resources about EfS

EfS is gaining momentum: 2014 saw the end to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Meanwhile our University is becoming well known for its work for integrating sustainability into education. To get a grasp on the context and what this means for universities and students, download our list of EfS resources.

What's going on elsewhere?

Universities around the world are taking up the opportunities made possible through EfS. Take a look at what's going on elsewhere in the UK and the resources they have.

Online courses

If sustainability is something you'd like to learn more about, there are a number of online courses on offer. These include Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from some of the best universities in the world. To find one – that is absolutely free – browse the list at https://www.mooc-list.com/tags/sustainability.

Things you can do now

  • Check out our playlists on YouTube
  • Tell us about any useful resources you've found
  • Visit our Beehive page