Sustainability in the curriculum

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them" – Albert Einstein

If we are to truly prepare young people for the future, sustainability must be at the heart of their learning. The below information has been compiled to help staff and students at ARU to achieve this aim. Get in touch if you would like to work with us or to find out more.

Browse our resources

These resources link sustainability to all courses at ARU, and are mapped against the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Read about changes to the curriculum

Take a look at these case studies to find out how lecturers from Law and Education, to Social Work and Architecture are including sustainability in their curricula.

Attend a seminar or workshop

Learn about ARU's commitment to sustainability

Sustainability has been a part of our academic regulations since 2014. Find out about the work we have done to support staff through the course re-approval and CDI process.

Read these guidance documents and reports

  • Advance HE and the QAA link sustainability education to better quality teaching. In Spring 2021, they published a guidance document on how to embed sustainability into the curriculum. You can view the guidance document here (ARU is a member of the QAA) 
  • The HEA and NUS have been conducting research into students' attitudes towards sustainability for the past seven years. The findings have consistently shown that eight in every ten students believe that sustainable development should be actively incorporated and promoted by universities. View the research findings.

Do a Masters or PhD in sustainability

Enter our sustainability dissertation prize

Students - if your dissertation links to sustainability, you could be in with the chance of winning £100 and the option to present at one of the GSI's lunchtime seminar. Find out more about the sustainability dissertation prize.