Why I chose ARU for studying Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)


Faculty: Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
School: School of Education
Course: Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)
Category: Education

24 January 2023

I wanted to choose a degree and a place to study that was going to help me reach my future ambition of making a difference in children’s lives. Choosing the right degree and university feels like such an important, serious decision, but if you follow your heart and go with what feels right based on the experiences you want, you will hopefully find yourself immersed in your studies.

When I first visited ARU on an undergraduate Open Day, I knew straight away that I wanted to study there. I’d visited a few other universities beforehand, but I felt incredibly welcome when I entered ARU. Conversations with the Early Childhood Studies lecturers and ambassadors allowed me to find out more about the course itself, the modules, and the expectations.

For so long, I had convinced myself that the only way to work with children and make a difference in their lives was through completing a teaching degree and gaining qualifications to work in a school. However, on the open day, I was given a leaflet about Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons) that detailed the different careers I could go into after studying the course and I was instantly fixated.

After attending the open day where I was able to have a tour of the university and meet other staff members, I decided to apply to study Early Childhood Studies at ARU. I felt so comfortable talking to the lecturers and hearing how they would support me which gave me a comforting realisation that I could study for a degree. I felt as though I was wanted, accepted, and welcomed to study in this inclusive, warm environment that I am now proud to call my university.

As for my course, it was a perfect choice for me because as well as learning theory, it is required of me to be on placement in either a school or nursery for at least one day a week. The course, therefore, has a healthy balance of study and socialisation where I am able to strengthen my professional development and apply theory to practice.

Lastly, student experience was not something I considered at the time of applying, but throughout my degree, ARU has gifted me with some amazing experiences, that I know I wouldn’t have got to experience anywhere else. Even being able to work as an ambassador for the university allows me to earn whilst doing something I enjoy, like writing this blog and interacting with prospective students at Open Days. Last year, I even had the chance to star in ARU’s Amplify your voice commercial.

ARU has definitely amplified my experience of studying for a degree. With the course I chose to study almost complete, my career options open to me are many, and I am excited to see where I’ll head next!


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