So you want to be a midwife?


Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Midwifery and Community Health
Course: BSc (Hons) Midwifery
Category: Nursing and midwifery

8 June 2017

Midwifery student Beth shares her top tips for getting accepted onto a Midwifery degree.

Midwifery is one of the hardest degrees to be accepted onto. It is therefore essential that your application outshines other potential candidates. Today’s blog looks at the value of work experience, where to find it and how to apply.

You don’t have to have worked on a maternity ward for five years, but having a good record of relevant work experience will work in your favour. Many assume that you must have experience with babies, however, babies are just a small aspect of a midwife's work, with women being our main focus.

Finding an opportunity

When searching for a work experience placement you should consider:

  1. Length of placement – Attending a work experience placement long-term shows commitment, and is always viewed more favourably than short term/single day placements.
  2. Cost – Will you need to fund a DBS check? Travel costs?
  3. Ease of access – Will the placement require an application/interview?

Where you might gain experience

Some potential work experience options are:

  • Children’s centres – most hold breast feeding support groups that you can observe, and talk to mothers about their experiences and struggles. You can also assist in stay & play/messy play groups. Having one-to-one contact with mums and dads can really improve your social/communication skills.
  • Private antenatal classes – browse the internet for local private groups – most will be more than happy to allow you to observe a class or two. This is normally a good opportunity to brush up on your tea-making skills.
  • Baby massage classes – also normally run as a private class. Search the internet to see what is offered in your local area.
  • Women’s support – Consider women's aid and domestic violence charities as well as mother-and-baby supported housing services.
  • Care homes – You might think I am going mad, however, working with the elderly enables you to demonstrate your ability to apply the NHS’s 6Cs.
  • Study days – Although this isn’t specifically work experience, there are many low-cost study days run nationally, all of which give a greater insight into the role of a midwife. 
  • Part-time work – Don’t forget the value of your weekend work. The transferable skills you pick up through part-time work can be applied to the role of a midwife. For example, handling cash demonstrates responsibility, dealing with customers improves communication, and working with colleagues demonstrates your ability to work as part of a team.  

Applying for a midwifery placement

Take the initiative to apply for your own placements. Draft a letter explaining your motives for wanting to volunteer and how long you would like the placement to last. Ensure your school/college tutor’s details are included within the letter, as many placement sites will want a character reference.

If you’re interested in Midwifery, or our other undergraduate degree courses, find out more at an Open Day.


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