ARU Blogs — Phil

Electronics and Robotics student Phil

Faculty:Science and Engineering

School:Engineering and the Built Environment

Course: BEng (Hons) Electronics and Robotics

Hello there, my name is Phil and I'm a first-year student in BEng Robotics and Electronics at ARU's Chelmsford campus. I started my course in September 2021, after going through Clearing.

The reasons why I choose ARU and my course are, first of all, is the love for innovation, future technologies and automation. The second reason is the facilities ARU offers; labs are just amazing. So far, I am enjoying the decision I made. It's just my first year but talking to lecturers I can only see this course going better and better.

My motto: be the first not the best, if you do not try you’ll never know the outcome.

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5 January 2022

I'm studying BEng (Hons) Electronics and Robotics at ARU, and wanted to share information about the engineering facilities here - specifically, I’ll be sharing my experiences of the Mechanical Engineering workshop. Read more…


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