ARU Blogs — Elizabeth Castro

Profile picture of Elizabeth Castro

Faculty:Science and Engineering

School:Engineering and the Built Environment

Course: MSc Engineering Management

Hello, I'm Elizabeth Castro, an MSc Engineering Management student at ARU's Chelmsford campus. ARU has proven to be an incredible opportunity, providing me with the chance to connect with people from all corners of the globe and fostering lasting friendships. When I'm not hitting the assignments, you'll find me in gym time, hanging out, and exploring London's scene, whether it's a concert or a networking event. I am honoured to have the support of the British Council for Women in STEM scholarship. I'm passionate about sharing my journey with fellow STEM enthusiasts around the world. Join me on this journey of personal and professional development, as I navigate the ARU world, cultural exchange, and the thriving STEM community. Feel free to reach out, and let's inspire and empower each other to achieve our goals.

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