Careers for media students


Faculty: Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
School: School of Creative Industries
Course:BA (Hons) Media Studies
Category: Language, literature and media

30 March 2022

Media is a broad subject, and so it can be hard to know where you want to go with your degree. Here are five potential careers that link to this degree, that you might not have considered.

1) Editor

With the vast skill set that you will have acquired through the broadness of your degree, you could become an editor in a number of areas. Why not edit footage for people producing films? Or, if that’s not up your street, why not consider editing people’s written work for magazines?

2) Photographer

Your media degree will train you to have a great eye for imagery. If this is something that you enjoy, photography may be for you. You could take photos to be featured in magazines or used in digital publications, or create your own art pieces such as prints that could be sold. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

3) Writer

Writing doesn’t have to purely be limited to journalism, although that is another job which you could pursue. You could consider scriptwriting, or even writing reviews as a film critic. There are many opportunities offered through ARU that will help you to explore these options. For instance, during my time at ARU I did some work with a magazine called TAKE ONE for the British Film Institute and London’s 64th Film Festival. I was given the chance to view screenings of unreleased films and to produce reviews about them for the TAKE ONE website. It was an amazing experience and I would totally recommend getting in touch with them if you would like to do something like this too!

4) Produce audio

Why not run a station or produce podcasts for the likes of Spotify and SoundCloud? Again, ARU offers students the chance to explore this option through its on-site radio station, CamFM. Students can sign up for a membership with the station and, through training and self-teaching, give radio presenting a shot.

Audio production could also link to producing sound documentaries, music to accompany film projects and songwriting.

5) Presenter

Through your media degree you could not only acquire a job as a radio presenter, but also potentially as a television presenter. If you enjoy working with scripts and talking to a camera this idea may be worth further looking into. A friend of mine, through ARU, managed to get an internship with Cambridge’s local BBC branch where she has the job of managing the auto-cue machine which the presenters read from. So, even if you don’t wish to be the presenter, there are still plenty of other job possibilities around the set.

The broadness of a media degree, for some, may feel daunting. However, by delving into so many different areas, your skill set by the end of your degree will shine. Please never doubt that you have options for careers if you love media, because there truly is an endless amount of opportunity waiting out there for you.

Ciéra studies media at ARU in Cambridge. Find out more about this, and other degree courses, at one of our Open Days.



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