ARU Blogs — Emma

Business and Human Resource Management student Emma

Faculty:Business and Law

School:School of Management

Course: BSc (Hons) Business with Human Resource Management

Hi I’m Emma, and I’m studying Business with Human Resource Management.

I came to ARU through Clearing after transferring from another university due to not liking my course. I’m so glad I made the choice as ARU is like my home. I made so many new friends, despite starting the course late, and have got involved with so many extracurricular activities put on by the Business School – the pizza nights are my personal favourites.

I am also part of the Intern Programme which means I receive monthly training to prepare me for the Business world and a business mentor to help me get the skills I need when I graduate. I am also the Rep for my course, which means I'm involved with giving feedback within the Business School and get involved in all sorts of different events held by the Students' Union, including the elections which was great fun.

I'm not a very sporty person so the only sport I get involved with is the taster sessions and campus sport. This lets people like me, who aren't the most graceful when it comes to sport, just play for fun and get some exercise. I'm excited to be a Digital Student Ambassador to help people feel more comfortable, and know that they are not alone in this!

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31 July 2020

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9 April 2018

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