Ten things to do when you start uni


Faculty: Business and Law
School: School of Management
Course: BSc (Hons) Business and Human Resource Management
Category: Business

18 August 2018

Silver balloons spelling out LAIBS - the acronym for Lord Ashcroft International Business School

Starting at university is one of the most exciting times of your life. There’s so much going on, so many new people and it can sometimes be a little overwhelming. So here’s a list of things I would recommend doing when you join ARU.

  • If you're joining the Business School this year, meet your iBuddy - you will be allocated one of the interns to be your iBuddy, they are usually on the same course as you and they’ll be there for you throughout your first year at ARU for guidance and to answer any questions. Make sure you introduce yourself during the first few weeks of term.
  • Visit Freshers’ Fair - this is the best event of the year and something definitely not to miss. Think freebies, photobooths and vouchers. Prepare to come home with bags of keyrings and enough carrier bags to last you the whole year. 
  • Join a society - there are loads of business societies at the University, such as the Marketing Society, International Business Society, Investment Group Society and HR Society. You don’t have to be on these courses to join: come along if you have an interest and want to meet new people. 
  • Get to know the people on your course - this is an important one as these people may become your friends for life. Try to find something you have in common, whether that’s a mutual hate for pineapple on pizza or a pet dog, there will be something! 
  • Follow the @ARU_BusinessSch Twitter and like the Facebook page - this is the best way to keep up to date with what’s happening in the Business School. And remember to tweet in what you’re doing – we love a good selfie!
  • Go to a Pizza and Games Night - Business School games and pizza nights are one of my fondest memories and often the place where you can meet lots of new people in a really chilled out way. Make sure to say hello to the Student Engagement Team as their friendly faces will keep popping up throughout your university journey!
  • Get some info about Erasmus and placement programmes - it’s never too early to start thinking about a semester abroad or taking part in a placement scheme. I’m about to start my placement in September and I can’t wait. 
  • Volunteer to be a Course Rep - it's a really valuable way to feed back to your course leaders and lecturers. I met some amazing friends through being a rep and it was a great way to get involved in other opportunities, such as disciplinary hearings and public speaking training. 
  • Find out about employability and careers - get yourself registered with ARU's Employment Bureau to look at part-time jobs during your university life. Usually you’ll have at least one day off each week which will allow you to gain some experience while you’re studying. 
  • Enjoy it - Make the most of everything that comes your way and you’ll love it as much as I have!


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