Student reading a book in the library

Arts, Humanities, Education
and Social Sciences research

Our faculty is home to a diverse and energetic culture of research, innovation, knowledge exchange and impact. We have a large and thriving body of research students, world-leading REF results and an impressive record of external income generation.

Colourful patterns formed by sine waves

Research clusters

We're home to a number of research clusters that support interdisciplinary and collaborative research.

More about our research clusters
A cascade of neon tiles with different words

Postgraduate research

Our schools and research institutes welcome research students, supervising research degrees covering a wide range of interests in their particular subject areas.

More on our student research
Design and Build - Benet Spencer

Research team

Our faculty research team provides dedicated support to all our staff and student researchers.

More about our faculty research team

Research, innovation, knowledge exchange and impact in our schools

Research in Cambridge School of Art
Research in Cambridge School of Creative Industries
Research in the School of Education
Research in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences