Postgraduate research

We have a thriving and diverse body of nearly 300 research students who work in a vibrant and stimulating research community.

Our postgraduate research students work with their supervisory teams who provide oversight, guidance and support. Our enriching and stimulating research environment includes:

  • faculty, school and research institute seminar series
  • an annual PGR conference
  • an annual faculty conference for staff and PGRs
  • a comprehensive Researcher Development Programme.

PGR students are also supported with funding to facilitate conference attendance, and can claim costs towards the organisation of reading groups, seminars and conferences that they run and which enrich the Faculty's research environment.

The Research and Innovation Development Office (RIDO), are always on hand if you need help with grant applications or knowledge transfer initiatives and wider career development beyond your research.

PhD project opportunities
Research degrees
Application tips
Two women having a discussion

Find a programme or supervisor

Find out more about ARU's Doctoral School, find a potential supervisor and contact the Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences research team.

Contact the Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences research team Support and guidance from our Doctoral School Find an academic expert

Research, innovation, knowledge exchange and impact in our schools

Research in Cambridge School of Art
Research in Cambridge School of Creative Industries
Research in the School of Education
Research in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences