Womens' Suffrage

Unveiling of Blue Plaque to Clara Rackham at 9 Park Terrace

Cambridge’s Votes for Women Centenary 1918-2018

In 2018, Cambridge town and gown celebrated the centenary of the first Votes for Women following the enactment of the Representation of the People Act 1918. A partnership of a number of institutions, including Cambridge City Council, the University of Cambridge, and Anglia Ruskin University, organised a series of events across the city to commemorate the work that activists in Cambridge undertook over many decades in order to secure the franchise. Universal suffrage – equal voting rights for men and women, would not be secured for another ten years. This was finally achieved with the Equal Franchise Act 1928.

The CamVote100 project was led by Mary Joannou, member of the Labour History Research Unit and Emeritus Professor of Literary History and Women’s Writing.

Image: Unveiling of Blue Plaque to Clara Rackham at 9 Park Terrace