MA Film and Television Production portfolios

What do we look for in your digital portfolio?

So that we can assess your suitability for the MA Film and Television Production course, you'll need to send us an example of your creative work for review. This could be a film you've shot or directed, an animation, an article you've written, or any other creative project.

If you don't have any creative work that you want to submit, you can instead provide a clear narrative represented through ten photographic stills. Arrange the stills on a maximum of three sides of A4 and save the project as a PDF no larger than 2MB. Please also provide an explanation of your story, identifying the key moments that need to be presented visually.

For each shot you will need to consider:

  • What is the narrative function of the shot, eg introducing the setting? Introducing the characters? Showing a turning point in the story? Resolving the story?
  • What information should each shot provide and what framing will best serve this? Close-up? Wide-shot? High angle? Low angle?
  • What about the composition? For example, do you want the viewer to feel comfortable (a balanced composition) or unsettled (unbalanced composition)?
  • What about visual variety? Following wide shot with another wide shot might diminish the viewer's interest.

How to submit your digital portfolio

Please email [email protected] (home applications) or [email protected] (international applications) with a link to your video or recording, or a compressed PDF of your image work. Include your name, the course you're applying for and student ID number.

Please host any videos on a video sharing site such as YouTube or Vimeo - you can make the listing private and send us just the link. If you are unable to share your videos via a video sharing site please use a file sharing service such as Google Drive or Drop Box. If you do, you need to ensure your file is less than 1GB.