On-demand workshops

Two people talking at workshop

Bespoke workshops

Anglia Learning & Teaching can draw on a wide range of knowledge and experience to support colleagues improve learning, teaching, assessment and the student course experience.

We work with faculty leads and course leaders to design a wide array of workshop to focus teams on addressing priorities. Using evidence-based principles, case studies, and other sources of research, we can engage teams and individuals in exploring their development priorities. For example, we have recently designed and delivered sessions on Classroom Management, Responding to AI and ChatGPT, Authentic Learning & Assessment, Using Peer Feedback, Developing Digital Fluency, Using Teams for Collaboration and Engagement, and many other topics.

Course Enhancement Intensives (CEIs)

Building upon ARU’s extensive using of Course Design Intensives, ALT colleagues are available to work with faculty leads to engage academic colleagues in a programme of enhancement activities. The CEIs involve participants in learning about and integrating curriculum enhancement priorities to their own teaching and course design.

Faculty Liaison sessions

Invite ALT colleagues to speak to faculty groups and committees about new and emerging teaching and learning priorities and topics, e.g. “What you need to know about…” topics which might include ‘Responding to AI’, ‘The Recording of Teaching & Learning Policy’, or ‘Being Inclusive and Compliant.’
Alternatively, we can input with short topics focused on good teaching, like ‘Using Icebreakers’, or ‘How to Make Feedback Timely’.

Contact us to register your interest.