Interdisciplinary Education Network

Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Education Network.

Our network is guided by a common purpose: to provide support and foster personal and professional growth within our community as we navigate the landscapes of interdisciplinary education.  

We understand that interdisciplinary education comes with opportunities and complexities. We appreciate the diverse reasons for introducing interdisciplinary education, the many forms this can take, and the academic and practical challenges faced.  

Collaboration is at the heart of our network. By connecting we hope you’ll find inspiration, motivation, and a strong sense of community. Whether you're seeking practical advice, discussion, scholarly insights, or potential collaborators we hope that our community provides plenty of opportunities. 

The network runs primarily online, is inclusive of different professional roles, and offers opportunities and space to:  

  • support the community personally and professionally 
  • discuss ideas and challenges being faced 
  • collaborate, for practical advice, scholarship, and research 
  • find External Examiners, speakers, collaborators, and mentors 
  • boost morale and solidarity  
  • ‘grow’ as opportunities emerge 

You are warmly welcome – please get in touch with Elaine Brown ([email protected]) if you’d like to be part of our positive and dynamic community.