Creative Quarter

We propose to establish a Creative Quarter on our Cambridge campus, on East Road.

The Creative Quarter will incorporate several existing buildings and the Collier Road campus entrance, alongside a planned new media building.

The Creative Quarter will ultimately offer an enhanced learning environment, build a more vibrant University community, and provide attractive and well-maintained outdoor spaces.

View detailed plans/proposal 

Next steps

June 2023

Public exhibition to share the proposals and gather community feedback. Following the exhibition, your feedback will be collated and reviewed. The online website with details on the proposals is now open.

Q3/Q4 2023

Preparation and submission of a full application to Cambridge City Council.

June 2024

If the detailed application is approved, construction is expected to begin on the site in June 2024.

March 2026

Works could now be complete.

Map showing ARU campus on East Road and the surrounding area