Useful Links

Here are some of the websites we use a lot.

Contact us if you want us to link to your organisation

ACEVO - Lots for 3rd sector leaders.
Cambridge CVS - The infrastructure body for 3rd sector in Cambridge.
Chelmsford CVS - The infrastructure body for 3rd sector in Chelmsford.
NCVO - Good content on strategy in their 3rd Sector Foresight pages.
Rainbow Services - A Harlow-based social enterprise, and much much more.
Social Enterprise East of England - Regional network for social enterprises and others to join.
The Social Enterprise Coalition - National lobby and campaigning group.
Social Firms UK - Focus on enterprises which employ disadvantaged people.
SROI Network - Good information on Social Return on Investment and other impact measurement tools.
Third Sector - Lots of third sector information and can provide email newsletters daily.
Voluntary Sector Training - Our partners, and great training providers.