Previous business and commercial clients

ARU has already helped a number of organisations to solve problems, increase profits, and develop products. Find out how we have made a positive impact.

Brand consumer reaction

It's the goosebumps on your skin. It's the quickening of your heartbeat. You can build a love affair between a brand and a customer and it's all to do with psychology.

Innovationbubble Ltd ©, a psychology and brand engagement consultancy, had a major deadline. We had the skills and knowledge to help. Analysing and measuring people's reactions to products, we managed their whole research project from initial design through to data collection and analysis.

Innovationbubble used our findings to show their clients exactly how people responded to products. It was the difference between love and hate. It was the difference between profit and loss. Our research will help them continue building successful products not just with confidence, but with solid evidence too.

Running ahead with Paralympic athletes

The GB Paralympic Endurance runners are some of the best athletes in the world. They've already achieved so much. We didn't want it to stop there.

Athletes might have similar goals, but we know that their bodies are different. They're individuals. We assessed every part of their training. We watched, we tracked, we monitored, we tested, and we measured. We identified their strengths and their weaknesses and we gave them personalised data to make sure they're making the most of their training.

Leaving the planning to us meant they could concentrate on their talents, and more importantly, their results. Our support gave them the helping hand to continue making themselves and the country proud.

Paralympic athlete running on track

Team GB RACES into first position

You could say that the 2012 Olympics went well for Great Britain and Equestrian. We were the most successful nation in the competition. We knew our horses. And, thanks to RACES, we knew our surfaces too.

RACES, a research and consultancy group made up of staff from ARU, Myerscough College and the UCLan, are passionate about horses and the surfaces they ride on. Think about the grip, the impact, and the hardness. Think about the safety, improving welfare, and enhancing performances.

We used our knowledge to test and give surface advice for the equestrian arenas for the 2012 Olympics. We also carried out the world's most extensive study into surfaces and health of sports horses in 2014. But we don't want to stop there.

We're looking for our next big project, and most importantly, we're looking to continue improving the equine industry for both the horses and the riders.